Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

The Phenomenon of Hundreds of Dead Fish Washed up on Shore KUTA Bali

Never imagined whether by you if there are hundreds of dead fish washed up on shore where we are always tired during the day to spend there?? hmmm. maybe you'd feel uncomfortable going there because that does not smell pleasant and another clearer view of what we find there is a very uncomfortable one. Who had wanted to eliminate fatigue during the day but instead a situation that adds tired of this body.

Situations or circumstances such as this is a familiar thing in the Bali Kuta beach area since the last few years. This is caused by global warming occurs resulting in increased temperatures in various regions of the world. With increasing temperature of the earth's surface, then it also reflects the rise in ocean temperatures and the fish are not tolerant to temperatures meningakat like this then they will experience death.

for the visitor area kuta bali beach resort, this event makes them reluctant to walk around the beach. This, it is not wrong to want logiakanya who travel in areas that are not comfortable and the scenery is a bit disturbed. some suggestions for the government of Indonesia that it is given enough attention in the handling of dead fish that washed up on beach bali kuta this. Because if it allowed the visitors to tourists, both domestic and abroad will be reluctant to visit and it certainly will reduce state revenues and Kuta beach resort area of Bali.

It really is unfortunate that all happened because a lot of dead fish it will interfere with our food sources and will also be a bit disturbing the natural balance in the food chain where this life will be a little disconnected. Therefore, we as humans have a mind to try to keep this natural preserve for the survival of this world very well maintained. This maintenance action does not have to start from someone else but start from ourselves and continue to the next of kin and neighbors and continue to the surrounding community. Important little things that we do is reduce our attitudes so wasteful, both wasteful of energy and physical wasteful. And adopt healthy lifestyles
And I hope that with a healthy understanding of yourself there will be formed this world of nature conservation. ^ _ ^

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